Visitors’ Day – December 8, 2022
Are you a business owner or professional in the Greater Hartford area and appreciate the value of referrals? Come visit our Chapter and experience what all the buzz is about!
Are you a business owner or professional in the Greater Hartford area and appreciate the value of referrals? Come visit our Chapter and experience what all the buzz is about!
Our Visitors’ Day is a great way to learn about how our Chapter works and how our members work together in building each other’s businesses in a variety of industries.
Are you a Family Practice Attorney, Accountant, HVAC pro, or a Chiropractor located in the Greater Hartford area and want to expand your business?
Join us for a fun, engaging, educational, meeting. We are a strong group of local business owners and professionals – come zoom with us!
Here’s an excerpt of Chief Visionary Officer and BNI Founder Dr. Ivan Misner’s blog post: When networking, do you only talk to those who can give you the most in return? Do you only give your business card to someone who you will bring you a ton of referrals? Do you only give referrals if … Read more
Join us at this free networking event for area professionals on August 1, 2019, 5:00–6:00pm at WORK_SPACE, 903 Main Street, Manchester. CT Valley BNI Chapter along with Urban Lodge Brewing Co. (Manchester), Thomas’ Smokey Pit Stop (Manchester) will be the event sponsors. Stop by for some delicious food and beer sponsored by local businesses and … Read more
Are you a business owner or professional located in the Greater Hartford area looking to expand your business? Stop by and meet established business owners and professionals for open networking. We generated $900,000+ over the past 2 years in revenue for our members. But we have more referrals to give and we would like you … Read more
In the marketing world, it can sometimes be hard to reach out and meet the right person. When cold calling on a prospective client, it can be nearly impossible. This can be a roadblock somewhat discouraging, especially if there is not an opportunity to overcome it. You may find yourself questioning your approach. “What am … Read more
It certainly was a treat to hear Colleen Baron (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties) talk about “outside of the box” marketing ideas that any business owner can use to improve their company’s marketing results. And to top it off, she also brought treats for everyone! It doesn’t get any better than that. Thanks Colleen … Read more
It was show and tell time with Steve Bennett of ServPro Manchester. He shared his knowledge with the group and explained what a puff back is and why regular inspection and cleaning is key to prevention.